Internet Evangelism News

In 2012, Internet Evangelism Day will be on Sunday 29 April as the culmination of the entire month of April, which we have again designated Digital Outreach Month: [that link now forwards to --]

"Digital media are transforming evangelism and ministry," says the team at Internet Evangelism Day. To help Christians understand these amazing opportunities, they have designated the entire month of May as a time for churches and individual believers to explore this potential. At the center of the month is Internet Evangelism Day itself, set for Sunday May 15.

Churches and other groups can use free downloads from IE Day's resource site to showcase these opportunities - video clips, PowerPoints, handouts, free music, dramascripts and posters.

A range of evangelism-related books and other resources (normally on sale) will be offered as special free downloads during the month.

Visit the IE Day website at [which now forwards to]

Internet Evangelism Day is a worldwide initiative of the Internet Evangelism Coalition, based at the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton. It is supported by a wide range of leaders and groups. "I am glad to commend Internet Evangelism Day," says John Stott.

Free Evangelistic Articles
for Print and Web

International lecturer and syndicated columnist Rusty Wright offers a wide range of skeptic-friendly evangelistic articles for reprinting or online publication.

New Book Explains Social Networking
and Evangelism: @stickyJesus

@stickyJesus is a dynamic book about sharing faith online through social networking.

Authors Tami Heim and Toni Birdsong are gifted writers and communicators. Their blog tag-line ' keeping it real & living sticky online 4 Him' sums up their vision. 'Sticky' reflects their desire that the message should be shared in such a way that it clings to people's hearts.

Heim and Birdsong 'get' social media. Many businesses, and even churches, attempt to use social networking as a one-way delivery system for their message, and then wonder why they are ineffective. This book explains clearly that it should be relational, servant-like, listening, compassionate, and inclusive.

Full review (available for reprint):
Read first chapter online, press pack, other reviews: [sorry, that site has disappeared].

Web Follow-up System for your Church or Ministry

The Mentor Center is an online follow-up system developed by which offers two opportunities to your church or ministry:
- empowers members with the appropriate gifts to volunteer as spare-time home-based mentors, to advise (by email) inquirers from other websites, who have spiritual questions.
- also enables any church or ministry to add a Mentor Center response form to their website, and thereby offer online advice to inquirers, using either their own in-house volunteers, or TruthMedia's wider team of volunteers.