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Manna Publications USA - Bible Commentaries - easy to read, translate, distribute

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.... And you will see Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11, 13 NKJV).

Manna for Youth
(The Meaning of Bible Words)

Easy to Read, Short Bible Study Books
to Answer Your Questions

These are Bible resources and study guides in easy to read, and easy to translate, booklets. They are especially useful for young people studying on their own, or in groups. They are also great for new believers, or those who want to understand key Christian concepts more clearly.The books average 8 - 16 pages, and have just three or four questions after each short section, to think about, or to use for discussion if you are studying a book with a group.

Please look the books over, and freely download and print for your personal study these Manna for Youth books.

These books are copyrighted by Fred Morris, the author, but if you wish to distribute them to others, use the contact form to request special permission if you wish to print quantities to distribute, (and/or to translate) these books.

We encourage this, but want to know who is using our books. We would also be pleased to hear if and how they have especially helped or blessed you.

The Meaning of ... An Abomination Causing Desolation - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . An Abomination Causing Desolation - by Fred Morris

The antichrist and Christ's Return - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . the anti-Christ - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of . . .God's Call and Election - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . God's Election - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of... Christian Baptism - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . Christian Baptism - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . .The Dark Ages of history - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . The Dark Ages - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of . . . God's Grace - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . God's Grace - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of ...Heaven - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . Heaven - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . .the LAW vs the SPIRIT - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . the LAQ vs. the SPIRIT - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of. . .God's Promises to David - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . God's Promises to David - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of... The Suffering Servant - by Fred Morris
The Meaning of . . . The Suffering Servant - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of God's Church in World
The Meaning of . . .God's Church in the World.pdf - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of John's Baptism
The Meaning of . . . John's Baptism - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of Life and Death
The Meaning of . . . Life and Death - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . .. The Lord's Supper
The Meaning of . . . The Lord's Supper - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of  . . . Matthew 24
The Meaning of . . . Matthew 24 - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . . the Millenium
The Meaning of . . . God and 1000 Years (Millenium) - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . . The Mystery of Christ in You
The Meaning of . . . Mystery of Christ in You - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of. ..  The New Birth
The Meaning of . . . The New Birth - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . . Prophets
The Meaning of . . . Prophets - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . . The Reformation
The Meaning of . . . The Reformation - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of . . . The Resurrection
The Meaning of . . . The Resurrection - by Fred Morris.

The Meaning of. . . The Sabbath Rest
The Meaning of. . . The Sabbath Rest [Hebrews 4] - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of . . . Sacrifice
The Meaning of . . . Sacrifice - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of .. .Salvation
The Meaning of . . . Salvation - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of ... a Sovereign God
The Meaning of . . . A Sovereign God - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of ... The Stone the Builders Rejected
The Meaning of . . . The Stone the Builders Rejected - by Fred Morris

The Meaning of . . . Wisdom
The Meaning of . . . Wisdom - by Fred Morris

If you are a youth leader, you might note the author's comment, "Many young people read the Bible, but do not understand what it means. These small booklets help to explain Bible subjects in Easy English."

Please note that the files you download are in simple black and white. You only need to use color if you choose to add some to the covers, or if you used colored paper.

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Carolina Shores, NC 28467-1850.

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