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Photos of Children Coloring
the NEW Read-and-Color Books

Mrs. Grace Victoria Palina has sent us photos of much the children in her ministry are enjoying the Read-and-Color books.

some boys showing their coloring

Here are some boys proudly showing us their coloring work.

A class in a circle, quietly colour on the floor

A class in a circle, quietly colour their pictures on the floor.

The boy seems to be asking a question...

The boy seems to be asking a question, while the girl looks to see how his coloring is coming. An activity like this is a wonderful time for conversations about spiritual matters.

Girls in their own circle coloring the books

Girls in their own circle coloring the books.

You too, may print out the pages and put together your own coloring books from the downloadable files on this site. Please click over to see the Children's page.

Children in Jungle Coloring the Easter Story

children holding up their Easter story pictures

The older children holding up their coloring pictures.

The younger children also happy to show off their work

The younger children are also happy to show us their work.

More photos

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