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Wise Men Seek Him - Distribution Results

Over the Christmas season of 2007, the Read-and-Color Manna books for children have been distributed in various pocket areas in some countries, and we are getting exciting results of how well they have been received. Here are some photo reports sent in.

Cambodian story from Phom Penh - Charia on the Dump

Charia works as a programmer for TWR (Trans World Radio) in Cambodia. We met her through "Uncle Oan." Oan helped us resettle two Cambodian refugee families in Syracuse, NY, early in the 80's. Oan and his family had escaped Cambodia before the fall of Phnom Penh, because he was listening to the Voice of America and was well aware of the true situation.

Our pastor at the time, asked me to help Sinn, his wife, learn to speak English. They had 4 little children. One was born here in America. One was born in Thailand in the camps. All are now grown up with their own lovely families.

Oan, now retired from the Syracuse School District makes trips to Cambodia to preach and encourage the struggling churches. We have yet to persuade him to translate some of our little booklets for the new Christians.

Meanwhile, Charia has translated the MANNA FOR CHILDREN’S new Christmas coloring booklet, Wise Men Seek Jesus. She printed 1300 copies for the children.

Charia is explaining about the gifts and food
In this picture she is distributing bread, sweet bread, soap and the story of Jesus, the Bread of Life at the city dump. There are 325 children and 125 adults at the site listening to the message. The children received 300 gifts bags lovingly made by these ladies.

Everyone singing on the dump at Christmas
Charia says, “There is no shade on the dump so our team and the kids are sitting on the dusty ground on the mountain dump, singing and listening under the hot sun from 11.00 a.m. until 12.00 a.m. We taught them to sing the Christmas song that tells of the true meaning of Christmas. The children are very clever. They learned the songs quickly and understood the story.

In the bags we had a pencil, a writing book, the Christmas coloring book, "Wise Men Seek Jesus,", a box of crayons, and a bar of soap. We also gave the adults a bag of food - a loaf of bread, one sweetbread, and a pack of noodles. Praise the Lord we had enough food bags for everyone."

She adds, "We had a very nice Christmas with those children."

Good byes and thanks
Our excitement was mixed with deep sorrow and sadness, knowing that millions of children all over the world are to be found on city garbage dumps trying to find enough to eat. Pray for each one of these little ones who are precious in His sight.

(Fred and Lorna Morris)

Telegu Speaking Street Children in India

street children in Andhara Pradesh, India after receiving the Read-and-Color books
These are Telugu speaking street children receiving the books in Andhara Pradesh State of India. The story was explained to the children before they were given the books.

Distributor Solomon Chilaka Reports...

Brother... I am sending you our photos [...of Wise Men Seek Jesus] being explained to the children. All who got the books are very happy and said heartly greetings to you, your family, and also your team.

Children receiving Read-and-Color copies of Wise Men Seek Jesus

What you said we can do. Please please keep in your daily prayers.
(Solomon Chilaka)

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