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Manna Publications Free Bible Teaching

Manna Publications Free and Ready to Download Commentaries

Bible teaching commentaries written by former missionary Fred Morris for personal study or in groups. Written in easy-to-ready worldwide English to aid understanding and to speed up translation into other languages. These 20+ titles are in ready-to-print A5 format comprising approximately 40 pages each. For on-line reading or large print versions visit: for commentaries in easy English; easy French; Portuguese; and Spanish.

Books in Spanish/Libros en español

Génesis parte 2 Cap 11-22 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Génesis parte 1 Cap 1-11 View: ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Génesis parte 3 Cap 22-36 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Génesis parte 4 NEW Cap 37-50 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Exodo parte 1 Cap 1-20 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Josué Cap 1-24 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Rut y Ana Rut 1-4 & 1 Samuel 1-3 [REVISED] View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Marcos Parte 1 Cap 1-8 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Marcos Parte 2 Cap 9-16 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Juan Parte 1 Cap 1-11 View; ~ Printer's PDF fileletter-size sheets

Juan Parte 2 Cap 12-21 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Hechos Parte 1 Cap 1-12 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Hechos Parte 2 Cap 13-28 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Efesios View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Filipenses View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

1 y 2 Tesalonicenses View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Santiago View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

Apocalipsis Parte 1 Cap 1-3 View; ~ Printer's PDF file letter-size sheets

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Carolina Shores, NC 28467-1850.

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