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Manna Publications Free Bible Teaching

The Kingdom of Christ

Psalms 110:1-4 and Hebrews 7

The wonderful words of Hebrews 7 flow from the revelation of the gospel God gave to King David 900 years before. As Matthew Henry puts it, "This Psalm is pure gospel; concerning the Christ, the Messiah, promised to the fathers... It is plain that the Jews of old, even the worst of them, so understood it...." (Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Henry, Regency, pp 697).

Christ, as our Redeemer, executes the office of a prophet, of a priest, and of a king. Here we have an account both to His humiliation and to His exaltation.

READ: Psalm 110:1-4. He is David's Lord. He said so Himself. (Matt. 22:43).

He is declared Sovereign Lord by the decree (oath, Heb 7:17-18) of God Himself. To Him God said, Sit as a King. (Psalm 110:1).

He would be exalted to the highest honor and given absolute sovereign power - Sit Thou at My right hand. His work is finished; He sits in Judgment. All His enemies will be put under His feet; Christ waits until this is done (Heb. 2:8).

The Kingdom of Christ rose up from Zion, the city of David, for Jesus was the Son of David and He was promised the throne of His father David (2 Sam 7:12-16). By His strong rod - the everlasting gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit - God send gospel forth from Zion for there the Spirit was given and from there the message went out. His Kingdom will never, having been set up, will never be destroyed (Dan. 2:44). He shall rule in the midst of His enemies. His subjects will be "a multitude." They will be given to Him by the Father (John 17:6) and will be to His praise (Psa. 110:3). They are redeemed by Him (Titus 2:14), They will be a willing people and a witness to His magnificent spendor.

They are volunteers "in the day of Your power (or in the day of Your muster)" when the first preachers of the gospel went forth. They had the dew of youth on their brow and holiness distinguished them... not their holiness but His. Holiness is the wardrobe of Christ's family, just as clean, white linen was the garb of the priests of old.

Great numbers of people came to Him - 3,000 in one place in one day. The prophets also saw them as "the remnant of Jacob" falling like rain. (Micah 5:7-8).

He was not only King Jesus, but a priest (Psa. 110:4). He is God's minister to us, our Advocate and Mediator. He is a priest forever. Because He lives forever, "He has a permanent priesthood." (Heb 7:24). He is a priest, not of the order of Aaron, but of Melchezedek. Christ's priesthood was no new idea, but built on the sure word of prophecy. (Gen 14:18).

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